Wednesday, September 3

Can Social Media Predict The NBA's Future?

Before Lebron 'came home', remember how people clued in on his eventual decision to go back to the Cavaliers by his wife's Instagram post?

The NBA True Detectives could not contain themselves.

This was a clear prophecy of Lebron James' intent to return to “The Land”. All the answers were in that Instagram post.

How could anyone not see it at the time? 

And what about this Instagram post by Lebron himself, six months before he made his 'decision part deux'?

In his touching message to Dwyane Wade, he says “No matter what happens in the future, we stuck together like brothers for life.”

How were we so blind? The clues were all there.

He might as well as said, “Thanks for the rings, I'm out!” By the way, that “no matter what” line is almost a complete reworded rip off quote from the Michael Bay classic, “Bad Boys II”.

You are no Will Smith, Lebron. And, you are no Martin Lawrence, Dwyane Wade, which is good because Gabrielle Union would have been your sister in said movie.

As evident by Lebron's post; who else is leaving cryptic messages in various social media posts that could answer a lot of questions now?

For instance, Bench Guy founder, Donnie DaSilva wrote a great article, “Where's Rondo Going?” If we dissect some of Rondo's activities on Twitter, one may stumble across the answer.

Eh? Eh? What the hell is Rajon Rondo doing in Albany, INDIANA?

Indiana, the home of the Pacers? To buy fireworks? Puh-lease!

Who spends their July 4th Holiday in Indiana unless they are from there?

A quick Wikipedia check told me, yup, he is from Louisville, Kentucky.

And then a google search told me that, Louisville is actually across a river from Albany, Indiana. 

So you would think the theory is debunked. Rajon Rondo is not going to the Indiana Pacers, right? Think again. Explain this post...

@darty24 asked “Who yo Favourite Comedian?” and Rajon answered Kevin Hart and Mike Epps. Everyone loves (well, some what) Kevin Hart but Mike Epps?

Black Doug from The Hangover? Naaaw, no way.

Rajon is meticulous with his Twitter responses as he is on the court.

There is a reason, he chose Mike Epps.

If you did not IMDB him by now, Mike Epps is from Indianopolis, Indiana.

The same city Rondo will demand a trade to in the coming months.

The stage has already been set. Rajon Rondo is ready to be an Indiana Pacer, well according to the interpretations of his twitter.

Another burning hot topic is, how will the Miami Heat do this season without Lebron?

Will they win another title this year?

Will they rise up without the king, and prove the strength of a TEAM is greater than any one individual?

We can venture into Chris Bosh's Instagram Posts to find the answer to that question.

Seems pretty clear cut, doesn't it?


Many of us are hyper aware of Kevin Durant's impending free agency in 2016.

The All Star has been bombarded with questions of whether he was going to play for his home town Washington Wizards or even the suddenly popular dark horse, Toronto Raptors.

Filtering through a plethora of tweets and Instagrams, one will find that Andre Iguodola's post was most conclusive of Kevin Durant wearing a Raptor Uniform...

Will Kobe Bryant beat Father Time? Can he play in season 2024-2025?

This can be answered by a recent twitter post from the Black Mamba himself, observe...

In that video post, Kobe takes an ice cold water plunge bringing the ALS bucket challenge to a next level. But read between the lines guys, Kobe did not just do that to support

No, Kobe is preparing to cryogenically freeze himself a la Demolition Man/Austin Powers to battle a new dynasty in the future.

A dynasty up north, in the form of Andrew Wiggins, Tyler Ennis, and other high flying Canadian Super Stars (none of whom will be named Kevin Durant) in Raptor uniforms. 

The clues are out there, pay attention or you'll be lost like Team USA observing a Hakka dance.

Budda Perera

@Prabudda on Twitter and Instagram